Soft Skills for High-Quality Education
The aim of the project is to provide professional support to existing leaders of the Teacher Support Learning Groups (TSLGs). More specifically, the objectives of the project are:
- strengthening soft leadership skills for more effective leadership of TSLGs through activities of professional development
- raising awareness of the importance of soft skills of TSLGs leaders for successful group facilitation and higher quality of education
- conduct research
- build capacities of TSLG leaders (Training of Trainers, training in pilot kindergartens, national training)
- establish international professional learning community of TSLG leaders
- develop Toolbox
- disseminate the results of the project at national and international online and in-person events
- State of the Art on training on soft skills in ECEC
- Framework for training on soft skills in ECEC
- Training of Trainers on soft skills in ECEC
- Country specific training for TSLG leaders implemented in partner kindergartens 5 Training for leaders of TSLGs implemented on the national level
- Training for TSLG leaders conducted at the national level
- International professional learning community of TSLG leaders
- Toolbox containing materials to support TSLG leaders building and reflecting soft skills for TSLG facilitation