Initial and Continuous Training of Roma Paraprofessionals in Education and Child Care of Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Children

Roma children belong to a social group exposed to multiple axes of discrimination. Roma (para)professionals, together with other trained professionals and educational leaders, are crucial for achieving the success education by eliminating many obstacles they experience. At the same time, they are often underappreciated and rarely professionally supported. This project aims to better support them so that they can support to Roma children and equity and quality of education for all children.    

The project aims to develop informed and transnational strategies for recruitment, selection, training, continuous professional development (CPD) and professionalisation of Roma paraprofessionals. This will include mapping of the existing practices and needs analysis, competences framework, training and CPD tools and pathways for their professionalisation (such as RPL, flexibilisation, microcredentials, student support, employment support and other models).

The project expects to develop guidelines that would help different stakeholders (Roma paraprofessionals, ECEC institutions, CPD providers, teacher training universities, policy makers) set in place individual, institutional, national or international processes and policies aimed at support and professionalisation of Roma in ECEC and education careers in order to improve quality and equity of education for disadvantaged Roma children.