

The grant from ECP is intended to support the necessary assessment and evidence gathering that will ensure the longer-term sustainability and scaling up of the program across Slovakia, by municipal and regional authorities and national government, with strategic funds from the EU and support form partners with experience in national advocacy and leveraging funds for Roma.


  • Documenting and assessing the effectiveness of the Roma Confident Parents’ projects implementation;
  • Production of the case study report, web based summaries/learning stories, educational film and the final report;
  • Building sustainable relationships with the Slovakian Roma communities;
  • Building on the existing partnerships with local municipalities;
  • Training and mentoring of the parent participants – Roma parents, Roma health fieldwork assistants, Roma family workers, Roma community workers, as resource and guide support workers for the continuing program in local municipalities, using materials developed over the previous two years’ projects; training of Roma and non-Roma ECD pedagogues and practitioners in early 2015 – Roma Confident Parent’s project methodology (adapted for use in center-based and home-based environments), and “best practice” in partnership with Roma NGO’s and ECD professionals – training of trainers focusing on delivering the RCP topics in community-based environments, across Slovakia (between 75-100 people in total);
  • Producing a “field guide”, for health professionals;
  • Continuing the support for Roma fathers, through a of follow-up workshop assessing the improvement in their confidence and competences in daily parenting, the increase in depth of knowledge regarding early childhood development and the effectiveness of alternative strategies for effective parenting;
  • Continuing support for Roma mothers (particularly young mothers) through a follow-up workshop for Roma mothers, with the aim of producing a training video for use by others working with Romani mothers.


Supporting Social and Emotional competences of Pre-school Children from Disadvantaged or Culturally Different Environments

The partnership project aims at the development and dissemination of ECEC methodology/curricula providing inclusive activities for children and parents from disadvantaged environments.


  • During the first stage data on ECEC strategies at national and local level in partner countries will be examined. The data on the topic (best practices of inclusive activities) collected by each partner. The research will focus on the national agenda of pre-school education and care, the children enrolled in formal pre-school education institutions, the number, academic background and experience and teachers and other pre-school staff. The survey will focus on the main difficulties and obstacles faced by the ECEC staff;
  • Based on the outcomes of the previous phase, using the data from the survey and collected best practices, the methodology of inclusive ECEC activities for pre-school children (3 to 6 years of age) will be developed. The methodology will be based on activities to meet the individual needs of children, parents and teachers;
  • The training course will be developed related to the inclusive activities of the new methodology;
  • The training course will be piloted in partner countries;
  • Following up the training course, the selected activities and programs will be implemented in pre-school institutions.


Institutional support 2014 – 2015

Support objectives:

  • Pays and remuneration for the personnel;
  • Coverage of overhead costs of the organisation;
  • International cooperation within International Step by Step Association.


Administrative Contract – Council of Europe

Support objectives:

  • Administrative security of ROMED2/ROMACT – the Council of Europe initiative implementation in the municipalities of Jarovnice, Chminianske Jakubovany, Čičava, Michalovce, Košice, Žiar nad Hronom;
  • Organisational and financial security of the community action group production and activity in the participating municipalities;
  • Production of community action plans for the participating municipalities;
  • Implementation of trainings aimed at communication skills, leadership, local government, production and management of EU projects.


ROMED2/ROMACT training

Training objectives:

  • Approaching municipality representatives, non-governmental organisations and Roma community representatives about ROMED2/ROMACT initiativ;
  • Education training to facilitators and mediators for working in communities;
  • Definition of problems in Roma communities and priority selection for the situation improvement in towns and municipalities participating in the initiative.


Institutional support Wide Open School non-profit organisation


  • Registration of new organisation;
  • Selection of new management of organisation;
  • Transfer of property of „Community-integration centre“ in Žiar nad Hronom to new organisation;
  • Realisation of know-how transfer from Wide Open School Foundation Žiar nad Hronom to new organisation;
  • Building of trade mark of new organisation, marketing activities;
  • Positioning of new organisation in international institutions;
  • Diversification of organisation fundin.

Donor: Open Society Foundation Bratislava


Improving Participation in Adult Education donor Program Gruntvig – SAAIC


The partnership aims at increasing participation in adult learning, and, additionally, exchange information and best practice on how to develop efficient systems that reach all adults and involve all relevant stakeholders. The partnership will elaborate on the effectiveness of strategies to raise awareness of and motivation to participate in adult learning. Prior target group of this learning partnership measures are disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized groups at risk of social exclusion. 

Donor: SAAIC – Program Gruntvig


Strategy of Slovak republic for integration of Roma till 2020 – Where we are at the present?

The main aim:

The main aim of submitted project is to monitor and evaluate actual status in fulfilment of goals of Slovak Republic Strategy for Roma integration till 2020.

Partial goals:

  • To evaluate actual status of goals fulfillment in the area of education, employment, health, living, financial inclusion, non-discrimination and access to the major society – initiative of Roma integration throug communication;
  • To suggest possible adjustments of action plans in order to make more effective and improve measures for the benefit of Roma community.

Donor: Ministry of Interior of Slovak republic

Support of Roma students of secondary school through tutoring and mentoring

Main project goal:

The main project aim is to provide support and advisory through tutoring and mentoring from trained experts to Roma students and other students of secondary schools.

Partial project goals:

  • Improvement of school success of Roma students at secondary schools – reaching of the best study result;
  • To ensure assistance for Roma students of secondary schools at problems with learning;
  • To help at social integration of Roma students of secondary schools in the school environment;
  • To mediate cooperation of school and student family;
  • To keep away from early finish of education;
  • To cooperate at the selection of suitable university after successfull graduation at secondary school. 

Donor: Ministry of Interior of Slovak Republic


Parenting with Confidence – Redesign Workshop in Bratislava

Focus of workshop:

  • Early Childhood Program – basic programme principles;
  • Educational programmes for parents and children upto 3 yrs;
  • Importance of Roma family;
  • Presentation of Key-study Slovakia;
  • Education in modern world;
  • Advocacy;
  • Community topics and principles;
  • Health, hygiene, security;
  • Adjustment of handbook Parenting with Confidence. 

Donor: Open Society Foundation London


The edge of the law, or sharp legal consequences 

  • Goals:
      • Eliminate social pathologies in risk groups of young people from segregated and separated Roma communities;
      • Establish partnerships on community levels between relevant crime prevention agencies and Roma opinion-makers;
      • Provide crime awareness information to at-risk populations;
      • Present positive models and patterns;
      • Massive public awareness raising campaign focused on crime prevention.
  • Donor: Ministry of Interior of the SR – Program Crime Prevention


Promoting social and emotional development in early childhood

  • Goal: Hold a workshop and training focused on skills gained as a result of the implementation of the new methodology and of many years’ experience in promoting social and emotional development in early childhood.
  • Donor: International Visegrad Fund
  • Partners: Społezcna Akademia Nauk (Poland), Centrum pro veřejnou politiku (Czech Republic), EC-PEC Alapítvány (Hungary)